I’ll admit it I didn’t just
stumble upon Hyland’s Teething Tablets, I have used this product at some point
with both my boys. I’m writing about it
now because I have a renewed love for this product.
The last couple of weeks
have been rough with my little guy. He
has always been on the go. He started to
walk at 9 months and never looked back.
I joke that he can climb like Spiderman but has the temper of the
Don't be fooled by his cute looks
He has always been
independent but the last two weeks, he has just been down right stubborn. Case in point, he was struggling to get up on
the bed so I picked him up. Did I get a
hug, a smile, or a kiss for my help? Nope. Instead he screamed at me while
getting down so he could struggle to get back up on his own. Fine little man, have it your way…. Struggle
In addition to these
wonderful power struggles, Emmett started to wake up at night. It wasn’t a pleasant, “hey guys I am up and
love you”, kind of thing but more like “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am up and
miserable”. I initially went in to rock
and cuddle with him but those wonderful thoughts vanished as I held my kicking
and screaming 18 months old. My husband
had more luck but this continued for about a week. Every night, I prayed that he wouldn't wake his brother because nothing says fun like two kids up in the middle of the night screaming and crying. I had no clue what was going on. Could it be
some sort of 18 month sleep regression, ear infection, or was this going to be
his new personality?
One day my husband came home
and said “I was going to buy Hyland’s Teething Tabs for Emmett but I
forgot”. It was like a light bulb went
off. Why hadn’t I thought about his
teeth?! When he was young, I would have
almost instantly blamed teething but I think because he has almost a full set
of chompers, I dismissed it. I took a
look into his mouth and the gums around his cuspids were fairly swollen. I was going to poke around but I was worried
it may result in a finger being sacrificed.
first night we gave him two teething tabs before bed, they worked like a
charm. He slept quietly. There was no thrashing, arching, screaming,
restlessness, banging on crib rails…just peace. It was wonderful, and I quickly
remembered why I fell in love with this product. I'm not the only Greenola Girl who loves them, Michelle also swears by them!
about Hyland’s Teething Tablets
Baby Teething Tablets are a homeopathic formula that helps reduce the symptoms
baby’s experience in relation to cutting teeth. They help reduce pain,
inflammation, fever, and drooling. They contain no benzocaine and have no
numbing effect. The tablets dissolve fairly quickly. They are sold at the majority of drugstores
and superstores (Wal-mart, Target).
you tried Hyland’s Teething Tablets?
What do you think?