Monday, May 21, 2012

How does your garden grow?

Slowly but it is growing!  My oldest son checks it everyday.  He can't wait until we can eat our first vegetables from it.  There are a couple of seeds that don't seem to be growing (acorn squash, eggplant, and peppers). 

How is your garden growing?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! i really wanted my 3 year old to get interested in the garden and helping. He wanted a "mingo" so we got one. :)

  2. Stopping by from GFVM's blog hop! I am also following you on Facebook, under the name Vegetarian Mamma :) Glad to have found your blog!! :) Our garden is really taking off in the last week :) We even had some surprise potato plants come up :) yay!!

    1. I thought I was going to have to replant a couple things because they just didn't seem to be sprouting but within the last week, things have started popping up. I guess it was a good week for gardens all around.
