Monday, April 23, 2012

Meet Greenola Girl Bonnie!

As a child a typical dinner was meat, french fries and a salad.  We rarely had junk food and never ate out.  Being from a family of 8 made it difficult to eat out.  My parents never took us to McDonalds or any other fast food type restaurants.  Once I hit my twenties I lived at these types of restaurants.  It was totally unhealthy, but I enjoyed it and found it comforting.  When I had my first son I watched everything he ate.  I made his baby food.  He wasn’t allowed to have any type of candy until he was over two.  I got a lot of funny looks when I said he wasn’t allowed to have sweets. When I had my second son.  I didn’t make my own food, but I did by organic food.  Was it the same absolutely not, but it was easier.  I believed the food choices I was making were good ones and I thought I was instilling good eating habits into my sons.  Boy was I wrong.

Being a mom of two young boys I find myself making the wrong choices out of convenience. When food shopping, I would blow through the produce section picking up only bananas and garlic.  These are staples in our household.  I lived in the middle of the store loving the processed foods.  Why? It was just easy and fast but it is definitely not healthy or good for my family or me.   I would often blame my food choices on I have two small children and things have to be done fast.  I have learned that organization is the key to a family of four.  I’m learning everyday about living a healthy life and as I am learning I’m teaching my sons as well.  We are making small strides into a healthier life.  I’m focused more on the produce section and introducing new and fresh vegetables to our family’s diet.  My sons now know that they have to try it, but don’t have to like it.

I’ve even enrolled my son in a class teaching him about different vegetables and fruits.  They tell him why they are good for him and what vitamins are in the vegetable or fruit they are learning about.  He enjoys it and is learning tons.  I feel my children need to learn by example I have to lead and steer them on the right path. I’m at the beginning of my natural, healthier, organic lifestyle.  I’m learning new ideas everyday and hope to share with you what I am learning.

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