years ago, if you had asked me if I were interested in being part of a
green living blog, I would have probably laughed at you. But things
happen in your life to change you, to alter your perception, and for me,
it was my quest to get pregnant. But I'll start from the beginning.
until my senior year in high school, I was the "skinny" girl, I was a
competitive swimmer, I was actually told by my coaches to GAIN weight,
and I ate like a football player. When I was 17, I found out that I had a
form of genetic cancer, thyroid cancer, and I had to have my thyroid
removed. I should have relearned how to eat then, but, I thought my
metabolism was the same as it always had been. I gained some weight, and
then when I went away to college, I got really sick. I have a blood
disorder, called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura, or ITP. In
layman's terms, it's a platelet disorder, and occasionally, my platelet
counts drop, and I have to watch for excessive bleeding and bruising. I
was in the hospital for a long time, and took an exorbitant amount of
steroids, which made me balloon up to the highest weight I've ever been,
and I've been struggling since then to get it off.
forward to 2009- a newlywed, happiest I have EVER been in my life. But
we wanted a baby, and I couldn't get pregnant. Found out that I have
PCOS, a fairly common thing, especially with women who have packed on
some extra LBs over the years. I underwent a year of fertility
treatments, hormones, shots, the works. I have a GORGEOUS 17 month old
now, courtesy of a process called Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
day after she was born, I promised myself that I was no longer living
my life for me, but for my daughter, Allyson Faith. She deserved more
than a mother who didn't have the energy to run around crazy with her.
I began watching what I ate, with better food choices, like organic
and locally grown veggies, locally butchered meats, and less processed
foods. I also make an effort to choose natural remedies for things
around the house, like household cleaners, or headache remedies! All of
these changes coupled with exercise, I lost over 40 pounds, and then
discovered I was pregnant! We conceived naturally this time, and, are
overjoyed to announce that on April 14th, I delivered a healthy baby
girl, Makenna Joy.
I am excited to continue my journey to a healthier me, and a healthier family!
You're doing a great job sarah! :)